Monday, January 25, 2010

Consult for Hair transplant treatment

What is my next step in getting this done?

The process is very simple.  You can either:
  1. have a phone consultation by calling us now at+919821150889
  2. set up a free, private, no obligation, in-person consultation with our physician at a clinic at Mumbai by calling us - +91 222 8999991.

Cost of Hair transplant procedure?

What are the costs?

The cost of your actual hair transplant session depends on a number of factors, including: your stage of thinning of balding, the amount of existing donor area hair, and your expectations for the end result.  During your free, private, no-obligation consultation, your Hair consultant can discuss all of these variables with you.  At this time, you will have a clear picture on the cost of your customized procedure.

When will I recover?

What is the recovery like and when can I resume my regular activities?

Depending on the type of procedure you have done and the type of work you do, it is often possible to go back to work the next day, as is the case with the majority of our clients.  We always suggest that you take it easy for the first 24 to 48 hours and avoid strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting, for ten days.

Pain- Is it Painful?

Is it painful?

Most clients have said that going to the dentist was more traumatic than having a hair transplant procedure. Local anesthetics are administered before the session. After this initial application, most clients are completely comfortable and often enjoy watching movies or chatting with the staff during their procedure.  Post-operative pain medications are available if needed.

How many sessions will I need

How many sessions will I need?

Our goal is to have each session look completely natural, create a dramatic improvement, and satisfy the client.  We assume that you may never want or need additional hair transplant sessions.  Dependent upon your current stage of balding, the factors the affect hair transplantation, and future hair loss, you may or may not want future sessions.

How many follicular units can be transplanted in one session?

How many follicular units can be transplanted in one session?

Depending on the session and the client, Mumbai Hair Transplant center can often place up to 3000 follicular units in one session using the traditional strip method, or up to 1000 using NeoGrafting or follicular unit extraction.

What are the factors that affect a hair transplant

What are the factors that affect a hair transplant?

These almost always include the following:
  1. current stage of thinning and balding
  2. the number and size of follicular units used
  3. the density which the patient desires
  4. the individual characteristics of the patient, e.g. hair wave, hair texture, hair color, and skin to hair contrast
  5. client’s expectations

What is the donor area?

What is the donor area?

The permanent hair at the back of the head is referred to as donor hair. The donor area is genetically resistant to Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL). Hair transplantation is the relocation of hair follicles from the donor area to the balding areas on the front and top of the head. Because these hairs originally came from the donor area and are resistant to typical MPHL, they are genetically programmed to grow for the rest of one’s lifetime.

What is a follicular unit

What is a follicular unit?

A follicular unit is identified anatomically as a small bundle consisting of one to four hair follicles (typically 2.2 to 2.8 hairs), full-thickness as well as fine hairs, and the oil glands, muscles, and connecting tissue that accompany and support hair follicles. If you look carefully at a closely-clipped scalp from above (just as you would, for example, at a wheat field from an airplane), you can see that scalp hair does not grow in even distribution like wheat in a field, but rather in little groups of hairs that seem to be clumped together. These little groupings of hairs are called follicular units (FUs). When the scalp is examined under a magnifying glass or microscope, these follicular units look like islands. The islands are rooted at a level beneath the skin surface, called the mid-dermis. Identifying an individual follicular unit can be difficult when follicles grow at angles under the skin and surface in the midst of neighboring follicular units. The identification, harvesting, and transplanting of follicular units require the training and skill of a hair restoration physician and specialist.

What is the difference between the traditional Strip Method and NeoGrafting or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

What is the difference between the traditional Strip Method and NeoGrafting or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

The Mumbai Hair Transplant center uses Rapid Results process uses a strip method of extraction. This linear strip method of grafting (the more traditional method) involves the removal of a thin strip of tissue from which follicular units can be taken and transplanted into the thinning and balding area. The extracted follicular units may be used intact, or may be divided into smaller units for transplantation.

NeoGrafting is a special advancement in the technique of follicular unit extraction (FUE), where individual follicular units are harvested directly from the donor area by scoring the skin and mid-dermis to a level of about two millimeters around a follicular unit, then gently extracting the unit from within the scored circle. This is achieved without the need for a linear incision. In this hair restoration procedure, there are no stitches, no linear scar, and , in some cases, no shaving of the donor area, and immediate healing.

What is a hair transplant

What is a hair transplant?

With hair transplantation, hair is moved from one area of the body (usually referred to as the “donor area”) and transferred to the thinning or balding area (recipient site). The transferred tissue is not "rejected" as it is not foreign tissue. The transplanted hair maintains its own characteristics; color, texture, growth rate, curl, etc. after transplantation and growth. Originally, large circular hair grafts containing 15-20 hairs were transplanted resulting in noticeable and unnatural results. This is sometimes referred to as the “corn row” method or the “doll look.” Techniques have since been developed that achieve natural results by transplanting small follicular units very close together. Also, Nu/Hart physicians never put grafts in rows. Rather, they are staggered and follow your own hair growth pattern.  Typically, hair grows from the scalp in groups of one, two, and three hair follicles. These natural follicular units can be placed closer together, resulting in a denser and more natural look. Single follicular units are often used to create a wispy and natural front hairline, whereas multiple follicular units are used to provide greater density in the center of the scalp.

What are my hair restoration options

What are my hair restoration options?

The most common types of hair loss treatment options include hair transplantation, hair systems (toupees), topical solutions such as Rogaine (or Monoxidil), medications such as Propecia, and laser hair therapy, which relies on the use of low level lasers on the scalp.  Other than hair transplantation, all other methods can only, at best, stop hair loss from continuing.  None has been known to significantly regrow hair or create a new hairline.  Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution to hair loss.

What causes Hair Loss?

What causes hair loss?

The most common cause of hair loss is inheritance. Men and women inherit the gene for hair loss from either or both parents. Men are most commonly affected by the inherited gene as the hormone, testosterone, activates the genetic program causing loss of hair follicles. Currently there is no known method of stopping this type of hair loss. The age of onset, extent, and rate of hair loss vary from person to person. Severe illness, malnutrition, or vitamin deficiency can accelerate this process. When applied incorrectly, permanent hair color and chemical relaxers damage the hair and follicle to the extent that hair loss can be permanent. Causes of hair loss do not include wearing a hat, excessive shampooing, lack of blood flow, or clogged pores.

Follicular Unit Extraction

NeoGrafting (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE Patient Before
FUE Patient Recipient Area Immediately After Surgery
FUE Patient Transplanted Area
3 Months After
FUE Patient Donor Area 3 Months Later
A special advancement in the technique of follicular unit extraction is Nu/Hart's NeoGrafting procedure. NeoGrafting is where individual follicular units are strategically harvested directly from the donor area by scoring the skin, and then the units are gently and individually extracted from within the scored circle. The follicular units are then immediately transplanted into the thinning and balding area.

The NeoGrafting hair transplant process offers a procedure with no linear scar, no stitches, no bandages, faster healing time, and in some cases, no shaving of the donor area.
Plus, if multiple sessions are needed, they can be done within weeks of each other. (The time between traditional linear sessions is usually 6 months.) The result in NeoGrafting is a faster healing time and less disruption to your busy schedule.
Nu/Hart NeoGrafting will give you the latest techniques in hair transplantation and the most natural head of hair. Each client needs a full consultation to determine if they are a perfect candidate for this type of hair transplant surgery.

Follicular Unit Transplantation

(Strip Method or Follicular Unit Transplantation)

Using a traditional linear incision in the donor area, natural follicular units are harvested and then densely packed into the thinning and balding area.
This state of the art procedure harvests follicular units for the hair transplant surgery using a traditional linear incision. Using a micro surgical technique, natural follicular units are densely packed as grafts into the thinning and balding area. This creates a natural front hairline and a great looking head of hair.
  • Full Evaluation with a Nu/Hart Consultant and a Final Consultation with a Nu/Hart Specially Trained Physician.
  • Customized Plan designed to treat your individual situation and reach your expectations.
  • More follicular units than ever before, all in one convenient session.
  • The entire process is done in less time with fewer sessions.
  • Natural appearance in every stage of the process.
  • Smaller incisions, faster healing process, virtually undetectable shortly after procedure.
  • Great results in as little as six months.

Hair Transplant India

Welcome to Hair Transplant Center at Mumbai India

Vibha - The Center for Cosmetic and Hair Restoration Surgery

The Center for Hair Restoration surgery - Our state-of-the-art facility is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss in men and women.

The hair restoration techniques of Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction are performed at Vibha - The Family hospital as a day care procedure under local anasthesia by our expert team of Hair transplant specialist.

Hair transplant sessions that involve the movement of thousands of tiny follicular unit grafts may take a whole day, but the time goes by quickly as patients rest comfortably during the procedure- listening to music, watching TV, taking a nap, or chatting with the staff.  

Affordable Hair Transplant treatment 

Call +91 98211 50889                                                   Email -