Monday, January 25, 2010

Follicular Unit Transplantation

(Strip Method or Follicular Unit Transplantation)

Using a traditional linear incision in the donor area, natural follicular units are harvested and then densely packed into the thinning and balding area.
This state of the art procedure harvests follicular units for the hair transplant surgery using a traditional linear incision. Using a micro surgical technique, natural follicular units are densely packed as grafts into the thinning and balding area. This creates a natural front hairline and a great looking head of hair.
  • Full Evaluation with a Nu/Hart Consultant and a Final Consultation with a Nu/Hart Specially Trained Physician.
  • Customized Plan designed to treat your individual situation and reach your expectations.
  • More follicular units than ever before, all in one convenient session.
  • The entire process is done in less time with fewer sessions.
  • Natural appearance in every stage of the process.
  • Smaller incisions, faster healing process, virtually undetectable shortly after procedure.
  • Great results in as little as six months.